Monday, June 29, 2009

Ashlee Is One!

Once again I find myself shaking my head wondering how yet another one of my First Year Reflections Plan babies has turned a year old...
Little Ashlee was only about 2 months old when we first met. She's always been a happy little baby and we have had some really wonderful sessions together. I have enjoyed capturing her milestones this year. I've also really enjoyed getting to know her parents and even had a the chance to meet her grandparents. I hope you all will keep in touch!

Here is an image from the day we met... and a couple of images from our session on Saturday (good grief it was HOT! 104!)
Thank you Kevin and Brit for chosing me to photograph your little one... I really enjoyed this past year.



  1. Super Cute! I am a secret stalker-I love your work! Well, I guess I am not so secret because I publicly follow your blog- never mind , then:)

  2. Thank you so much!
    So nice to hear from you.

  3. cheryl this post just about made me cry!!! I can't believe how fast this year has gone- You have been so great to us. Thank you for sharing your wonderful talent with our family and for giving us so many pictures that we will treasure for years to come. We will miss you! We'll be sure to keep in touch- thanks again Cheryl. THis has been a wonderful experience for us.
