Friday, May 29, 2009

~Baby Roan~

Look who came over to play with me today! Little Baby Roan. He's six months old now!
What a little cutie pie! I hardly recognized him! I haven't see him since he was just a couple of weeks old! That slim little newborn has turned into a chubby little sweetheart!
I wore Roan out pretty quickly though... and he was WAAAY more interested in playing with the dirt than he was at laughing at me! ha ha
Here is a little preview for you! I think we actually got a few that you will love...


  1. So cute, he's gotten so big! I remember his adorable newborn images. Wonderful job!!

  2. I know! Look how big he is!
    That lil peanut is a chunky monkey now. ha ha He is soooo cute!
    Thanks so much, Chris!
