Sunday, January 18, 2009

Furry Friend

Anybody that knows me well knows that I am
NOT a "Cat Person" BUT...

This neighbor kitten is determined to get me to like her!
She comes out to greet me each time I go outside.
She even tries to crawl into my car when I go anywhere.
Needless to say my labrador, Jetta, is NOT happy about my new little friend.
I keep having to remind her not to worry, that I still love her best. ha ha
Ok I admit it, the kitty is kinda cute...
I had to cancel my session on Saturday, so
nothing new to show off other than this little kitten.
I am looking forward to the sessions that I have coming up next week though!

I still have a couple of mid week appointments available for Feb. and March. Give me a call if you would like to book a date!


  1. Your work is always such a treat to see, you have such a gift and I admire your talents! Keep inspiring!!!!

  2. Awww... thank you so much Chastity. You are so good for my ego!!
    Take Care~
